7 McKenzie Towne Gate, Calgary, AB T2Z 3W5


Sundays, 2pm-5pm, Closed Mon-Sat

本次退休会是丰盛华人浸信会自2017年以来,连续第三年举办的退休会。参加人员分别来自丰盛华人浸信会,卫道浸信会,溪水边教会。我们邀请的主讲人是 专长于旧约和希伯来语 的 神学教授 Dr. Peacock,他来自于加拿大南部浸信会神学院 。

讲座题目: “Looking for shark teeth: finding the right point in a Bible passage”

Asking the right questions:

  1. What did it mean to the original author and audience? Reading the passage in its context, Bible reference notes, commentaries, and dictionaries will help you finding this information.
  2. What did it mean? (i.e. What timeless truths are found here?)Bible cross reference, study notes and commentaries will help you find some of scripts, but prayer and openness to God’s Spirit is your main resource here.
  3. What does it mean for me and my people today? Getting to know yourself and your people will allow the Holy Spirit to draw a connection between people’s needs and this passage.
    Questions for Application: “In light of what I have read in God’s Word”
  1. What am I to believe?
  2. What am I to do?
  3. Is there a promise I need to claim?
  4. Is there an example I need to follow? or I need to avoid?